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The Month of Thunderstorms


As we start the month of July, we already welcomed our first thunderstorm of the season. The skies turn dark, the air stills, and even the birds stop singing. As the storm progresses, the wind picks back up and the house shakes with the crack of thunder and lighting. We welcome the rain, but with it comes damaging winds that can lay a garden flat and take down large trees. After the storm has passed, we survey the damage and start the cleanup process. Anyone can open a phone, computer or the tv and hear the weather on the minute. Or you can live in the moment and let it come. It is not something we can prevent, it is an event that we should stop and be in the moment. Last year in July we witnessed the power of one of these storms as it had ripped through our lower pasture leaving a path of destruction. Aspen tops ripped off, our large oak branches broken off and thrown over the tops of trees, and fences knocked down. It is a month of unknown for the weather. We also call this moon the "Buck Moon" and the "Moon of Much Ripening". The deer start growing their horns back and have a beautiful velvet coat on them. Our gardens start producing nourishing crops for us along with native herbs that are ready for harvest. This month for our recipe we are featuring Kale Pesto. This is a lovely recipe for a hot or cold pasta dish. Or even if you have a favorite bread recipe you can roll it up into the dough as you shape it for the final rise.

Kale Pesto

4 large slices of dried Porcini

4 c packed stemmed kale leaves

2 Tbsp olive oil

4 onion slices

1 clove garlic

2 tsp minced rosemary


Cover the porcini with ½ c boiling water and set aside. Rinse the kale but do not dry it.

Heat the oil in a skillet over low heat. Add the onion, garlic, and rosemary and cook until the onion softens, about 5 minutes. Add the kale, ½ tsp salt and the mushrooms with their soaking water. Turn the leaves, cover the pan and raise the heat to medium. Cook just until the kale is tender, about 6 minutes.

Let cool slightly, then pulse in a food processor until smooth, adding additional olive oil if needed for a good consistency. Serve on top of your favorite noodles as a warm dish or a cold pasta salad. Or serve as a spread with your favorite crostini and ricotta cheese.

This month, Rebecca drew a rendition of the Thunder Moon. Capturing the storms that we see through out this month. Beautiful metallics were used to help accent the art in this card.

I also partnered with a local crystal shop this month to bring you something unique. Crystal Harbor and Healing opened last year and has been an amazing asset to our community. Here is a little bit more information on her website if you would like to learn more about the store:

You can carry these stones around in your pocket to help you through the month or add them to your knitting bag or basket to help keep you company. The first is Smokey Citrine. Smokey Citrine transforms all negative energies into positive growth orientated energy filled with pure love. They create a shift of perspective opening the soul to endless expansion &

integrating your ancient soul into conscious understanding. Excellent for both grounding &

raising ones vibration. Resonating with all chakra’s they clean align & energize the entire meridian system. This crystal brings peace, abundance, prosperity & good luck. We also included Clear Quartz in the bag as well. Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. There is also a cute sticker in the bag for you as well!

This month I wanted to play off of the dark skies we see when storms roll in. I used some dark Cheviot that Theresa sent home with me and added pops of blue merino. There are three different shades of blue in this roving that help add depth to the final yarn. Cheviot is not considered a luxury fiber; however, it makes outstandingly durable items. Felters can use Cheviot as an alternative white for large projects or as base to build from as it both wet and needle felts. It is great for sweaters, socks and everyday high were garments or for everyday household goods such as blankets and pillows that might take a lot of use and abuse. This is an awesome fiber for beginners to veteran spinner, it is a pleasure to spin, and you won’t find yourself fighting your fiber as you draft. Cheviot has a lovely draft when combed but keep in mind that when plied it can be loftier than you expect. With the crimp pattern, the fibers have air caught in the yarn giving you spring and a yarn that feels light and keeps warmth. Don’t over spin or you will lose some of the basic elements of the yarn and its softness. Depending on how you spin the fibers will bloom a little but what your plied yarn looks like will be similar to your finished piece.

This box was a joy to make and I am already dreaming up August kits!

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Address: 25012 Trails End Road

Spooner WI 54801-9673

Phone: 406-223-6590



Mon - Fri: 9 am- 5pm
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